CPD Resources

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The SAAVT Education Portal is resourced with education from institutions and individual experts around the world. Creating a network of Veterinary education enables us to offer you the widest resource of Veterinary CPD available. The content includes free and paid-for CPD activities linked to the World Veterinary Association. CPD points per activity vary and on completion of the activity you will receive a CPD certificate indicating the number of points.

Education that is studied on this Education Portal is automatically recorded in your free Education Tracker. You can also add information on your other learning activities creating one central record of your CPD. Individual Certificates and full summary reports can be printed and supplied to legislators where required.

Each Veterinary Technologist’s responsibility is to complete an activity on the portal to submit the activity to the SAVC for evaluation and allocation of CPD points. To do this an email must be sent to Lenora Erasmus at with the following details attached/include

1. Your SAVC registration number
2. Attendance certificate
3. Course outline (provide an outline of what was discussed, main headings, etc.)
4. Number of hours (may be found on the certificate)

SAVC will evaluate and then send you a certificate indicating a personal accreditation number for the activity as well as the points allocated by SAVC to the activity. In some instances, the SAVC allocated more points to an activity than the provider did.