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1.1. The Association hereby constituted is called the South African Association of Veterinary Technologists.
1.2. Its shortened name will be the SAAVT (hereinafter called the association).

a) The Association shall:
b) Exist in its own right, separate from its members.
c) Continue to exist irrespective of changes in membership and/or office bearers.
d) Be able to own property and other possessions, and
e) Be able to sue and be sued in its name.

3.1. The Association’s primary aims are to:
a) Promote Veterinary Technology as a profession.
b) Encourage purpose, status, and pride in the practicing thereof; and
c) Strive for the continuation of applicable education.
3.2. The Association’s secondary aims are to:
a) Arrange regular seminars of a technical nature or interest to promote veterinary technology;
b) To maintain close cooperation between Veterinary Technologists, and
c) Promote healthy communication with other professional bodies and institutions.

4.1. The Association will keep a record of everything it owns.
4.2. Subject to par.4.3, the Association may not distribute or give its property or money to its members or office bearers.
4.3. The Association may make reasonable, market-related payments to its members or office bearers:
4.3.1. As compensation for work done for the Association; and/or
4.3.2. For expenses he or she paid for or on behalf of the Association.
4.4. Members or office bearers of the Association do not have any rights in or over the property or possessions of the Association.
4.5. Office-bearers of the Association are not personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of an act or omission which occurs in good faith while the office-bearer is performing functions for or on behalf of the Association.

The Association has two categories of members, set out under par.5.1 and 5.2 below:
5.1. MEMBERS, who must be:
5.1.1. Qualified Veterinary Technologists; or
5.1.2. Persons with qualifications other than that of Veterinary Technologist who is registered with the South African
Veterinary Council to practice the profession of Veterinary Technologist.
5.2. STUDENT MEMBERS, who are:
5.2.1. Students of Veterinary Technology.
5.3. All persons referred to under par.5.1 and 5.2 above, may apply to the Application Committee (AC) to be considered for membership
of the association, using the prescribed form.
5.4. The AC consists of the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) representative.
5.5. After consideration by the AC, each applicant will be informed of the decision in writing.
5.6. The Central Management Committee (CMC) is under no obligation to approve all membership applications.
5.7. A Membership Certificate will be issued after receipt of the membership fee.
5.8. Members are expected to attend as many seminars, lectures, and presentations as possible. A register will be kept at these events.
5.9. All members of the Association are bound by the Moral and Ethical Codes of the South African Veterinary Council, which is
incorporated into this constitution as Annexure A.
5.10. Transgressions of this Code of Conduct will be investigated by the CMC and referred to the SAVC for completion.

6.1. Membership fees are determined at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the recommendation of the Central Management
6.2. The full yearly membership fee is due and payable within a period of three months from 1 March of each year, failing which the member may lose his or her membership.

7.1. The CENTRAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE is responsible for the general management of the association and consists of the
following office bearers:
7.1.1. Chairperson;
7.1.2. Vice-Chairperson;
7.1.3. Secretary;
7.1.4. Treasurer;
7.1.5. Three additional members;
7.1.6. One Student member representative;
7.1.7. Educational Representative; and
7.1.8. South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) Representative.
7.2. The CMC members noted under par.7.1.1 to 7.1.6 are elected every second year at an AGM and any member so elected may stand
for re-election at subsequent annual general meetings, for as long as such a member is willing and able to render his or her services
to the association.
7.3. For the purpose of electing the CMC, members who are unable to attend the AGM, may exercise their right to vote for CMC
members by way of proxy.
7.4. The CMC members noted under par.7.1.7 and 7.1.8 are co-opted onto the CMC by the CMC and approved by the Tshwane University
of Technology and South African Veterinary Council, respectively.
7.5. Only members qualify for election to the CMC, with the exception of the persons referred to under par.7.1.6 to 7.1.8.
7.6. The CMC has the right to co-opt persons to serve on the CMC if it is, in their opinion, necessary in order for the association to attain
its objectives under par.3 above.
7.7. The CMC may form Sub-and/or regional committees to enhance its efficiency in pursuing the association’s stated objectives.
7.8. Sub-and/or regional committees have to report back to the CMC on its activities in the way prescribed by the CMC.
7.9. Any decision of a Sub- and/or regional committee has to be ratified at a CMC meeting.

8.1. A minimum of four ordinary CMC meetings will be held per year where a quorum of CMC members is physically present.
8.2. The Chairperson, or any two Committee members, may call a special CMC meeting:
8.2.1. By giving fourteen (14) days’ notice to the other Committee members; and
8.2.2. Informing them of the issues to be discussed at said meeting.
8.3. Six (6) CMC members present at an ordinary or special CMC meeting constitute a quorum.
8.4. CMC decisions require the approval of a simple majority of the Committee members.
8.5. In the event that a quorum is not present at the CMC meeting, the Chairman or the person acting as chairman at the meeting, shall
declare the meeting as a meeting where no formal decisions can and will be made.
8.6. A CMC resolution signed by a majority of the CMC members is deemed to be a decision made at a meeting where a quorum of the
CMC members was present.
8.7. The chairperson has a deciding vote at CMC meetings.
8.8. Members of the CMC absent from three or more consecutive CMC meetings, without furnishing valid reasons, may be removed from
the CMC by resolution to that effect and must be signed by a quorum of the CMC members.
8.9. If any position on the CMC becomes vacant, the CMC may fill the vacancy with a qualified person, until the next Annual General
Meeting, where the prescribed election procedures will prevail.
8.10. Minutes will be taken at every CMC meeting to record the CMC decisions and such minutes:
8.10.1. Will be provided to the CMC members at least two weeks prior to the next CMC meeting;
8.10.2. Shall be confirmed at the subsequent CMC meeting as a true record of proceedings; and
8.10.3. Must be signed by the Chairman upon confirmation at the CMC meeting.

9.1. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be convened yearly as close as possible to the financial year-end, which is the 29th of
9.2. Members must be given twenty-one (21) days written notice of the AGM, delivered either by hand, prepaid registered mail or
electronic mail.
9.3. Both Members and Student members have voting rights at the AGM.
9.4. At the AGM at least the following matters must be dealt with:
9.4.1. Agree on the Agenda for the meeting.
9.4.2. Record the names of the members present as well as those who presented apologies for not attending.
9.4.3. Read and confirm the previous AGMs minutes with matters arising.
9.4.4. Chairman’s report.
9.4.5. Treasurer’s report.
9.4.6. Any changes to the Constitution.
9.4.7. Election of new office bearers, when applicable;
9.4.8. Appointment of an auditor.
9.5. Twenty members with voting rights constitute a quorum at an AGM.
9.6. In the event that fewer than 20 members with voting rights are present at an AGM, the Chairman must:
9.6.1. Postpone the meeting for a time which shall not exceed ninety (90) days; and
9.6.2. Give all the members notice of such postponement, which must include the time and place of the postponed meeting.
9.7. At such reconvened AGM the members present will form a quorum and a simple majority of the members present is required for any
decision taken.
9.8. The chairperson has a deciding vote at AGM meetings.
9.9. Proper minutes shall be kept of the proceedings of every AGM.
9.10. The minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson of the meeting, and must be available for inspection or copying by any member on
two (2) days’ notice to the Secretary or his or her deputy.

10.1. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) can be convened at the discretion of the CMC or at the written request of at least fifteen (15)
members to the CMC.
10.2. Members must be given twenty-one (21) days written notice of the EGM, delivered either by hand, prepaid registered mail or
electronic mail.
10.3. Fifteen (15) members with voting rights constitute a quorum at an EGM.
10.4. In the event that fewer than Fifteen (15) members with voting rights are present at an EGM, the Chairman must:
10.4.1. Postpone the meeting for thirty (30) days; and
10.4.2. Give all the members notice of such postponement, which must include the time and place of the postponed meeting.
10.5. At such reconvened EGM the members present will form a quorum and a simple majority of the members present is required for any
decision taken.
10.6. The chairperson has a deciding vote at EGM meetings.

11.1. The affairs of the Association are controlled and managed by the CMC.
11.2. Subject to the terms of this constitution and to the resolutions of members in General Meeting, the CMC may exercise all the powers of the Association, which includes, but is not limited to the power:
a) To employ staff and hire professional and other services.
b) To institute or defend any legal or arbitration proceedings and to settle any claims made by or against the Association.
c) To open and operate accounts with registered banks and building societies.
d) To make and vary investments and re-invest the proceeds of such investments on condition that any investments made
by the Association shall be a duly registered Financial Services Provider in terms of the legislation of the Republic of
South Africa.
e) To accept donations made to the Association and retain them in the form in which they are received, or sell them and re-
invest the proceeds.
f) With regard to movable and immovable property and tangible and intangible assets of whatsoever nature.
g) To purchase or acquire property and assets.
h) To maintain, manage, develop, exchange, lease, sell, or in any way deal with the property and assets of the Association.
i) To donate and transfer the property and assets of the Association to organisations with the same or similar objectives
and the same exemptions from taxes and duties to those of the Association;
j) To borrow and to use the property or assets of the Association as security for borrowing.
k) To guarantee the performance of contracts or obligations of any person on condition that any such person is primarily
engaged in activities which further the objectives of the Association.
l) To execute any act or deed in any deeds registry, mining titles or other public office.
m) To exercise all the management and executive powers that are normally vested in the Board of Directors of a Company and
n) To exercise all the powers and authority of the Association not only in the Republic of South Africa but in any other part
of the world.
11.3. The CMC has the right to make by-laws for proper management, including procedure for application, approval, and termination of

12.1. The CMC shall open a bank account in the name of the Association with a Bank duly registered under the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
12.2. The Management Committee shall ensure that all monies received by the Association are deposited in the abovementioned bank account as soon as possible after receipt.
12.3. All cheques, promissory notes and other documents requiring signature on behalf of the Association shall be signed by two (2) of the CMC members.
12.4. The Association’s financial year end shall be the 29th of February.
12.5. The CMC shall ensure that the Association keeps proper records and books of account which fairly reflect the affairs of the
12.6. The CMC shall ensure that the Association prepares an annual narrative report describing the Association’s activities and an Annual Financial Statement for each financial year.
12.7. The Annual Financial Statements, which shall be drawn up within six (6) months after the financial year end, shall conform with
generally accepted accounting principles and shall include a statement of income and expenditure and a balance sheet of assets,
liabilities and financial position as at the financial year end.
12.8. Within two (2) months after drawing up the Annual Financial Statements, the Management Committee shall ensure that the books of account and financial statements are audited and certified in the customary manner by an independent practising-chartered accountant.

13.1. The terms of this Constitution may be amended, the name of the Association may be changed, and the Association may be dissolved by resolution of sixty-six per cent (66%) of the members present at an AGM or EGM, provided that:
13.1.1. Proper notice of the meeting is given in terms of par.9.2 or 10.2 respectively; and 13.1.2. Such notice states the nature of the resolution to be proposed.
13.2. Notification of proposed changes to the Constitution must reach the CMC at least thirty (30) days before the AGM or EGM.

14.1. The organisation may close down if at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering such matter, are in favour of closing down.
14.2. When the organisation closes down it has to pay off all its debts. After doing this, if there is property or money left over it should not be paid or given to members of the organisation. It should be given in some way to another non-profit organisation that has similar objectives. The organisation’s general meeting can decide what organisation this should be. In the event that the Association is closed down, all debt has to be paid before its money and/or other assets are distributed to third parties.