Employers wishing to advertise a vacancy for a Veterinary Technologist are welcome to submit the advertisement to the SAAVT by sending an email to the SAAVT secretary (

Employers are reminded to familiarise themselves with the rules governing the profession of Veterinary Technologist as set by the South African Veterinary Council.

All advertisements must comply to the advertising guidelines and format rules as set out below.

Advertising guidelines:
The following minimum requirements for advertisements for a vacancy for a veterinary or veterinary paraprofessional post have been set by the SAVC on 18 July 2011 (Reference VC/7/B2)

• Advertisements have to run for a period no less than 14 calendar days.  Advertisements received with shorter periods before closing date will not be posted by the SAAVT. It is important to note that the requirement for advertising with the SAVC is a period of no less than 1 month.  The period set by the SAAVT’s posting is therefor accommodating to employers
• The name of the company, organisation or facility advertising the vacancy
• Area in which the vacancy or organisation is located
• Advertisement must state that the services of a veterinary technologist is required
• List the services that will be performed by the incumbent
• According to the Act, the qualification criterion is a National Diploma in Veterinary Technology and/or Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Technology and/or Bachelor of Health Science in Veterinary Technology, which are the only qualifications recognized for registration. No other qualification can be listed in the advertisement and the phrase “or equivalent qualification” cannot be used. Candidates that have obtained a B.Tech degree in Veterinary Technology would have completed the National Diploma course

• The advertisement should indicate that applicants should be registered with the SAVC or be eligible for registration with SAVC.  Here the onus is on the employer to ensure that a candidate is registered before being appointed or before being allowed to assume any duties pertaining to the profession.

Additional requirements:
The advertisement should clearly state the closing date of applications, the name and contact details of the contact person who may be contacted with any queries related to the post being advertised.

Advertisement format:
Advertisement complying to at least the minimum requirements above, may be submitted in MS Word, PDF or JPG format to SAAVT Secretary (

The advertisement will be circulated to all members on the SAAVT email database of which the registered and qualified members will receive exclusive information about your advertisements.

Employers should take note that the SAAVT reserves the right to not publish an advertisement if it does not comply with the guidelines and requirements listed above.